Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I might not be the best person to come and talk to about this subject because every time someone asks me about OPERATION BLUE STAR, the minute the person says OPERATION BLUE STAR, i get a wierd feeling of pain in my head and i go nuts, i start going on and on about how many sikhs were killed and how fearsome and scary the attack was. Now I am not here to talk about the number of people killed but I am going to try and explain what are the things that I have learned about life from hearing the same story, from a million different people in a million different ways. When the attack happened all the sikhs all over the world were angry at the INDIAN GOVERNMENT for launching an attack on a holy shrine. NOW, that incident happened 24 years ago, people should heve been angry then and not now. As one of my wise friends explained to me that the 3HO sikhs pray 3hours extra on 6june every year. Whereas the rest of us sit in our homes going on and on about how the attack happened and how it could have been prevented. We should take the 3HO sikhs as examples and do the same as them! no matter how much you fight history is not going to change itself and all the sikhs that were sacrificed are not going to come back to life.
I have seen people wearing shirts saying 1984 NEVER FORGIVE NEVER FORGET I dont say that it is wrong to do so but from my personal point of view, the wordings should be changed to FORGET 1984. The incident has already taken place and all the lives have already been lost, wearing those kind of shirts is not going to help but they are going to create even more problems because the wordings are going to give a very big impact on the young sikhs of Malaysia. After seing what is written on the t-shirts, the kids will ask their parents what hapeened to the sikhs in 1984! their parents will tell them that our holy shrine was attacked and for at least three years after the attack, any sikh seen with a turban was labbelled as a terrorist. This will inflict fear in them and they will be afraid to tie a turban because they wouldnt want to be labbeled as terrorist. This year, year 2008 sikhs all over the world have mostly recovered from the attack and are now a religion of love and peace. The attack of 1984 should be forgotten and left in the history books as the worst attack in sikh history. FORGET 1984



nice article--
simple request to grab people attention add some pictures on the 1984 attack

a said...

I don't agree with the author when he says Forget 1984, why forget it, ask the people who lost their loved ones to forget it, ask people who lost their whole families, ask people whose loved ones were burnt alive, no justice has been done, and you are telling people to forget it, how can they forget it? The indian government hasn't even said once that they done something wrong, instead they have been trying to label Sikhs as terrorist even till today their efforts in doing so hasn't stopped they are working in full force to keep quite on this topic. Why Sikhs should forget it. Please go and ask the people who has gone though the pain don't just say stuff out of the thin air. Thank you.